ToFu dReG miLk

Waste from industry is dregs tofu. It is not exploited maximally.

Nowdays, dregs tofu is just for livestock food for animal or throw away to the river that causes contamination. Those factors become background of writer to make research about ”Make Use of Ampas Tahu as Raw Material of Soy Milk”. Time conducted of the research is six months, starting on December 2006 until May 2007.

The purpose of study are to reduce contamination caused by (ampas) dregs to the river and use dregs of tofu, to know the process of making dregs of tofu milk. Making of dregs of tofu milk is done by simple ways, such as mix dregs of tofu with water. And then put the pressing of dreg of tofu, boil, and for minimalisir the smell add kopra, when boiling, filter them, and then add sugar, salt and vanilla (only for Variale B) and then boil again.

The research methodology is experimental design by using two variabels : (1) Variable A use water, sugar, and salt, (2) Variable B use water, sugar, salt and vanilla. And for independent variable is variable C that soy milk which is sold in market and compare among smell, color, taste and degree of consumers usage in each variable.

The research finding 70 respondents, get the result : 67% consumer stated like on variable A, 68% consumer stated like on varible B, and 48% consumer stated like on variable C. So, suggested proposed on Variable B is preferred by consumers. From the research can conclude, that : (1) Dreg of tofu milk can use for raw material of soy milk.(2) Dreg of tofu can use for drink from nutritions of dreg of tofu that is 8,66% protein, 3,79% lemak, 51,63% water, 3,03% karbohidrat (3) dreg of tofu milk much more economic than soy milk.

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